All reclosers picked up by our Company for repair have the waste oil pumped from them into storage tanks located in a spill containment area.
We test and dispose of all waste oil on a quarterly basis. Each customer's waste oil is tested for PCB content using a Gas-Chromatigraph test. We currently subcontract this service to Environmetrics, Inc. in St. Louis, MO. To date, we have not had a test result for reclosers that exceeded 50 ppm.
After receipt of the test results indicating less than 50 ppm, Stuart's Oil Service in Duncan, SC who is a South Carolina permitted hazardous waste transporter, transports the oil for disposal. There is currently no charge for this service.
We have conducted business with these two companies for a number of years and have found their performance to be very professional.
Each customer is then sent a copy of the PCB Test results from Environmetrics, Inc. along with a copy of the waste oil manifest from Stuart's Oil Service for their files. There is $60.00 charge per quarter for this testing and record-keeping service.